Let's start with .......well.....
It's good to be back, but I have one hell of an assignment in front of me......trying to recap the past month of my roller coaster life.About a month ago, "things" were suddenly flipped upside down. Those of you who know me, know what I'm talking about. In some ways, I'm back at square one, which has its positive and negative associated aspects. I'm obviously choosing to think about the positive ones, like how there are opportunities to start with different interests and paths. Planning for the future is a bit more of a challenge...in fact, I have been challenged more in the past year than I have in my whole life. If any sort of old wise saying were ever 100% true, then please let it be the one that claims I'll come out on the other side of the maelstrom stronger. Those of you who believe in God, I would ask that you pray for me and those who don't, just maybe think about me or whatever you do when you hope.
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