Friday, February 03, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

The movie is out and OH how the parodies are flying in.....

Booker has one called Broke Mac Mountain.

Stereogum has one called Brokeback to the Future.

Speaking of BTTF, am I the only one who wishes there would have been a 4th one? As long as it wasn't like "The Next Karate Kid" I think we can all keep our sanity....and as long as there aren't lines like this:

Julie Pierce: I wish I had courage like you.
Sergeant Kesuke Miyagi: I wish I had chocolate bar with almonds.

I think they could go even further into the future (more than 30 yrs) and see that Hilary Swank still looks like a man at 60 and that no one outside of our generation has heard of Ralph Macchio.


At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another, but I warn you, it's just plain wrong. Bareback Mountain


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