Friday, January 20, 2006

beautiful friday

So my friend (let's just call him ROGER) has decided to construct a new blog, in which he claims it to be the most worthless blog in america. I can hardly disagree with that statement. Although mine's not worth much yet, I feel good about where it's heading after some of this "competition."

...and so I present:

Please leave him comments (tips).

So what else is going on today....Stars vs Lightning tonight at the AAC. Playing the defending champs can't be easy, but they need to get back on track here.

Word on the street is that Roger Clemens is considering pitching as a Texas Ranger. Not only would this move make the Rangers a playoff contender, but a dangerous one at that. How sweet that would's refreshing to see the Rangers actually making moves to be more competitive.

The band is off to Austin tomorrow to play a show at the Red Eyed Fly with Titan Moon, Dynah, and Sounds Under the Radio. Should be a fun time. Recent practices have yielded a new song, tentatively titled, Fingertips. Jeff gets to pull a Tony Royster, Jr.


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